Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The rice diet for weight loss

I advised to try a diet with rice. Sounds good, but I doubt.

The rice diet consists that you during some time eat soaked rice for a breakfast and limit the general consumption of table salt. This magnificent agent for clarification of an organism from various adjournment in vessels, joints and tissues. Promotes removing of toxins, improves a metabolism. Helps to normalize weight, both to complete people, and exhausted. Reduces edemas, facilitates work of a liver and kidneys. Preliminary from rice the component which forms slime in an organism is washed away, rice becomes porous and easily absorbs in itself any formations (microorganisms, excess of a cholesterin, slime, bile, etc.)

For a rice breakfast it is necessary to prepare for four small glass jars. On each jar it is desirable to put down number a marker. Brown rice in the best way approaches. If to get such will fail, take, what is. Quite good results can be reached and with usual refined rice.

That it is necessary to do.
In the morning of the first day in the first jar fill two - three dining rooms of the spoon of preliminary washed out rice and fill in to bank cold water. To bank cover, but it is not so dense. For the second day rice from the first jar wash out and fill in fresh water. Take the second, fill there two - three dining rooms of the spoon of fresh rice, fill in water and put near to the first. For the third day wash out rice from both jars, change water, fill in a third jar. On the fourth - wash out rice from first three and fill in the fourth. In the morning of the fifth day begin rice breakfasts.
Take contents of the first jar, wash out, cook and eat without salt, Saccharum and oil. It is possible to fill simply with hot water and to wait minutes 10 - it will be ready. In the empty jar fall asleep a new portion of rice, and put it in the end of turn - behind last. Every day you have breakfast rice, every day change jars. Process should borrow not less than two weeks, it is possible even more. Rice should be wetted 4 days.
Cook rice absolutely not for long - in small volume of water, usual liquid porridge should turn out. The some people eat crude rice, it is quite edible after four days of soaking. Besides crude rice has глистогонным action.
All breakfast should consist of one boiled rice. It is more than anything. Twenty - thirty minutes prior to a breakfast drink a glass of water or grassy tea.
And the most important - after a breakfast four hours is impossible is, to drink. In two - three hours brutal appetite can be played, but the pharynx of water is impossible to make even. In four hours it is possible to have dinner normally. For a dinner and a supper it is possible to eat everything, having excluded only table salt and up to a minimum having limited acidic and acute. Alcohol to use too it is impossible. Otherwise all action of rice will consist in a conclusion of alcoholic poisons.
Certainly, completely to exclude in a meal salt it will not be possible, in fact it is contained with many products. But the less you will eat with salts, the it will be more effective clarification. Contraindications by rice breakfasts are not present.

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