I have found the detailed description of such disgusting thing as a cellulitis.
Cellulitis: the reasons of occurrence and a technique of treatment
Men should be grateful to the happy star (more truly, unique anatomy of a skin) - approximately 90% of adult women on a planet face with a problem of a cellulitis! Annoying "orange-peel" - relief piling skins - appears on hips, breeches, legs and even a stomach more often. A cellulitis - hardly probable not the most known and wide-spread cosmetic defect, a scourge divine which will always pursue women.
Cellulitis does not spare anybody - neither harmonous pretty girls with modelling appearance, nor corpulent mothers of family. The sizes and parameters for it have no value. And though displays of a cellulitis can be reduced for a while with the help of any procedures, creams or dietary additives, it angrily cannot be eradicated finally, as mechanisms causing it - the "delayed-action bomb" incorporated in an organism of each woman. Frequently time of the destructive explosion leaving on a skin prominence and hollows depends on us only.
Cellulitis: the reasons of occurrence
Many women wrongly accept a cellulitis for adjournment of a fatty tissue and count this defect result of a hyperalimentation or neglect fitness. Ah, if all was so simply! According to the dermatologist from Los Angeles, the doctor of medicine and the author of book The Cellulite Solution ("the Agent from a cellulitis") Howard Murad, the cellulitis and fatty adjournment carry out completely different roles in layers of a skin.
"The first and basic function of a fatty tissue - to serve as protection and a source of reserve energy for bodies, - doctor Murad. writes in the book - At reduction of habitual volume of consumption of nutrition the organism automatically starts to scoop energy from own stocks - a fatty layer. When you keep to a low-calorie diet, Adeps disappears from different sites, however, to regret, the cellulitis all the same remains".
Make a deep inspiration before hastening in a sports hall for intensive trainings which as you hope, will help to get rid of a cellulitis. "At loss of weight, without dependence from the used program of growing thin or a diet, the interest of Adeps in an organism decreases, but the cellulitis still remains on the place, - doctor Murad. continues it speaks that the organism cannot use Adeps which as in a trap is kept in a hypodermic as power fuel".
And though an irrational feed and neglect sports in themselves yet do not result in occurrence of a cellulitis, the augmentation of consumption of nutrients and loss of fatty adjournment on extremely measure will help to reduce its displays. "The unhealthy way of life results to that in due course displays of a cellulitis can be shown even more strongly. Addition of weight, the unhealthy feed, insufficient consumption of water, smoking and laziness - all this at all does not promote beauty of a skin", - experts American Skincare and Cellulite Expert Association (ASCEA) assert{approve}.
"As it is paradoxical, in some cases the diet and fitness can worsen only a condition of a cellulitis", - doctor Kochi Tang, the foundress of medical interior High Maintenance in Las Vegas, Nevada considers. Loss of the basic fatty layer can stimulate promotion of a cellulitis closer to a skin. "Therefore the surface of a skin becomes even more unattractive tuberous", - she considers.
The cellulitis begins at the first level of a dermal tissue known as a hypoderm or a hypodermic fatty layer. It arises, when fatty cells are enlarged in sizes, form inspissations and rise to a surface of a skin, passing through a hypodermic of Adeps. However that inspissation of fatty cells causes? In opinion of the doctor of medicine and a member of a royal society of surgeons US, plastic surgeon J. Hurwitz, on development of a cellulitis the combination of such factors, as genetic predisposition, a hormonal background and circuits of loss of weight influences.
Ageing - one more inevitable factor of occurrence cellulitis. On data ASCEA, "ageing results to thinning and loss of elasticity of a connecting tissue of a skin and the top fatty layer. In result, displays целлюлитта become more appreciable". Especially stimulate development of a cellulitis hormonal changes like what we experience during a puberty, pregnancies, PMS and in the first months of use of contraceptive agents.
According to doctor Murad, men are protected from this disaster with smaller quantity of Hormonum of an estrogen in an organism. One more reason of that a cellulitis remains a prerogative of a womens, - a continuous vertical locating of tanks in which fatty adjournment in a hypodermic at women collect. "At men fatty tanks are posed by small groups on a diagonal that allows not only to disperse fatty adjournment, making their less appreciable, but also practically on 100% prevents development of a cellulitis", - he writes.
About genetic predisposition doctor Murad in the book fairly notices: "If from a cellulitis your mum was excruciated, means, and you hardly will manage to avoid this misfortune".
Thursday, March 15, 2007
How to win a cellulitis
Автор Joan O Karenin на 5:00 PM
Tags: cellulitis, health, obesity, weight loss
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