Diets do not help, it is necessary to try to influence itself psychologically.
It is considered, that many our illnesses are caused by psychological factors. In particular, psychologists sometimes explain completeness of the person a disadvantage of love to or simply laziness. In fact that it is fine to look, and including to have a faultless figure, it is necessary to work hard, at times even to change character.
How many will power it is required to us to be kept and not eat a superfluous slice of a high-calorie pie or an appetizing roll. Therefore many resolve to themselves " last time ", then more and more … But when the waist blurs, and on hips there are superfluous kgs, again to come in the former form already much more difficultly. From here there is a constant anxiety for the figure which so is well familiar practically to each woman.
Constant stress - the eternal satellite of people with excess weight. To complete people is at all so "cosy and quietly" as "thin" inhabitants frequently believe. All of us "cook" in the huge boiler of society which from first days of birth tries "to adjust" each of us to an average sample, to average behaviour and appearance. Excess weight is in the certain sense a call to a society, so, and a target for superficial and categorical judgements.
It is necessary for child inclined to an obesity to have iron self-control to go through all sneers from the coevals, frequently problems imposed on a caused illness with health. Children, suffering completeness as the Canadian psychiatrists recently have noted, estimate quality of the life at the same level, as well as oncologic patients. Besides complete guys are more often than others are in an epicentre of conflicts. Especially uneasily it is necessary girls - fatties in 5 times quarrel with the girls, than them coevals with normal weight more often.
Maturing, chubby person meets new versions of aggression on the part of a society, accustomed to explain an obesity only passion to contents of a refrigeration cabinet. A little that has changed progress. Ancient Greeks and the Romans possessed by a cult of beauty of a body, confiscate saddles at the grown fat cavalrymen. Presently some airlines force passengers suffering by a chronic obesity to pay at purchase of air tickets for two places, and many organizations enter penal sanctions for employees with excessive weight.
The fear to grow fat sometimes provokes mass psychosises. For example, today each fourth American uses pills for growing thin, is perfect in them not requiring. And the gauge of beauty imposed to a society from the screen of the TV and journal covers, results in real tragedies.
The term "anorexia" for the first time used in 1988, knows now, perhaps, each girl, in fact in 95 % of cases is the female illness overtaking mainly in an early age. The woman can have an ideal figure, but the fear to lose precious 90-60-90 provokes so-called chronic " phobia of meal ", inducing absolutely to refuse nutrition. An anorexia - the same dangerous illness for an organism, as well as an obesity. Psychological problems promptly cause physiological - weakening of immunity, disbalance of an alimentary system, a deaquation.Contrast of an anorexia is the bulimia - the uncontrolled consumption of nutrition accompanying with unsatiable feeling of famine. The Spanish scientists recently have established, that one of the reasons of a bulimia at teenagers are divorced parents. The fear of loneliness and fear to repeat the vital script of the senior generation forces teenagers to search for a consolation in meal.
If relatives and close people do not find out in time "starting" attributes of a bulimia or an anorexia patients get in a vicious circle of which it is difficult to get out without the help of the experienced psychiatrist. Therefore study to love itself and in all to keep "golden mean". Try to develop for itself the individual plan of struggle against excess weight and steadily to follow it. In fact, as they say, the best way of growing thin what you are ready to adhere all life.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Psychological aspects of a set of excess weight
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